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Green Key International, a commitment of sustainability

At Bagni di Pisa we have always been sensitive to environmental issues: we consider ourselves to be guardians of our local area and part of a larger and more complex global ecosystem.

We know that every choice we make and everything we do has an impact on nature and on the fine balances of the environment and the climate.

Today, we are committed to improving further, by adhering to all the aims and procedures established by “Green Key International” certification, a prestigious international eco-label that is awarded to hospitality facilities that adhere to significant sustainable practices.

This is a major commitment that involves all our work procedures. It means minimising our environmental footprint and doing everything we do as sustainably as possible in compliance with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) standards.

We monitor and reduce waste and water and energy consumption. We limit the use of pollutants. We work in tandem with all local institutions to promote and organise environmentally friendly activities and to increase green awareness among our employees and guests.

We are proud of this commitment, and how we all adhere to it every day and in everything we do.

We care deeply about our land, with all its historical and natural heritage, and our entire planet.

Protecting this for future generations is more than a duty: it is a part of us and of who we are.

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